this is a fact.

queen mother tenel ka chume ta' djo ✧ most revered ereneda ✧

template made by poohsources


I will throw Tenel Ka in with anyone from any fandom as long as I’m somewhat familiar with said fandom. Also, I love original characters -- bring them on!
I’ve never been exclusive to characters or players. As far as characters go, I will RP with multiples of one character and I’ll RP with other Tenel Ka muses – the more the merrier! As far as selectivity, I’m a little selective with starting threads due to the fact that I can’t sit here and write with people for long stretches at a time as much as I want to due to life/work/other projects
    Response Time
If I’m not here I’m probably getting work done, sewing something, working on a website, writing a book that will never get finished, or doing something else ridiculous. I will be attempting to respond as fast as I can but I’m not that fast, so who knows??? ¯(ツ)
If you have an idea for something, please feel free to send a message my way. Plotting, sobbing about EU characters not being a thing anymore, and rambling about the EU are some of my favorite things to do. Also, If you’re a Star Wars character and want to tag Jacen/Caedus in a thing, feel free. If it’s something really off the wall though, a message or chat first would be awesome, please!

No matter how old they are, asks can always be sent in for any memes I’ve posted in the past. Just please make sure to specify which one the ask is for!
I try to keep an RP post to the interacting character’s last post and then my response so things don't get too long. Sometimes I tend to write a fair amount (aka I ramble) when I RP (I love describing ridiculous things) so if I respond with more than expected, MY APOLOGIES. Please don’t feel obligated to match length or anything!
I have very strong feelings about Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka Djo OKAY I CAN’T HELP IT THEY’RE MY BABIES. If there’s chemistry between our two characters I may be willing to bend, but that’s an if. ;)
    misc. TK stuff
I’ve read everything “official” (haha I know not anymore etc., etc.) Tenel Ka’s been in but it has def. been a really long while since I did so some facts and such about events might be hazy. I’ve been trying to find time to read them again! When tipsy one night, I did a presentation on why I love Tenel Ka so much. So there’s that too.

== independent tenel ka djo from star wars: legends/the expanded universe. established jan. 2016, revamped jan. 2023 ==
 loved dearly by hexterah ( she/her / EST ) 
 follows from neonshadows 


.       BASICS full name  Tenel Ka Chume Ta' Djo
 also known as  Tenel Ka, Ereneda, Tenna (depends on the speaker)
 birthdate  8ABY
 pronouns  she/her
 orientation  demiromantic / bisexual
 occupation  queen mother of the hapes consortium
 species  hapan/human
.       BACKGROUND birthplace  dathomir
 current home  hapes
 language(s)  basic, shyriiwook (understand only), dathomirian (speaks some, understands most)
 parents  teneniel djo (mother) & prince isolder (father)
 siblings  none
 other family members  ta'a chume (grandmother)
 significant other  jacen solo
 children  allana djo solo

.       PHYSICAL faceclaim  bryce dallas howard hair  red-gold/copper
 eyes  gray
 dominant hand  right. a sparring accident with jacen solo left her with only her right arm/hand, and she never replaced the other with a prosthetic
 scars  one on her lower back & another on her right thigh
 other remarkable features  missing left arm from right above the elbow, small birthmark on right shoulder, decreased night vision due to hapan blood
.       MENTAL character traits  loyal, focused, graceful, elegant, quiet, aloof, blunt, occasionally oblivious
 likes  spending time with Allana, sparring, Ithorian starfruit, Jacen Solo
 dislikes  her grandmother, the suitors that will Never Leave Her Alone, ruling Hapes, Darth Caedus
 fears & phobias  complete darkness, the possibility that Allana will have to live her life chained to Hapes


The granddaughter of the conniving Ta'a Chume and the daughter of Prince Isolder and Teneniel Djo, Tenel Ka is part Hapan and part Dathomirian. She was raised on the latter as a child, and is very athletic and strong, along with being Force-sensitive. She trained at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy alongside the Solo twins and Lowbacca.Tenel Ka hid the fact that she was Hapan royalty from her friends, so they wouldn't treat her like it -- she didn't want the fact that she was a princess to cloud their judgment of her and her strength. In a nasty training session with one Jacen Solo, Tenel Ka faltered (more like her lightsaber faltered -- she had built it too fast with a touch of carelessness) and Jacen accidentally sliced her left arm off right above the elbow. Being the self-sufficient young lady that she was, she did NOT want to get a replacement -- she wanted to deal with her own fault and build upon it; which she did.She became the Queen Mother of Hapes Consortium and its 63 planets during the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, after her mother died (thanks Ta'a Chume) and while she never wanted the title, she does an admirable job. The people of Hapes become slightly less offended by the Jedi (slightly) and her approval ratings trend upward.

Later she had a daughter with her longtime love Jacen Solo, who went dark due to his visions and need to make the galaxy a safer place for his daughter and everyone in it. He ended up getting killed by Jaina Solo but at least he took care of Ta'a Chume before he went. Sadly he pretty much took Tenel Ka's dad with him. (For a more in-depth and better biography than anything I could put together, check out her wookieepedia page!)To this day I stand by the thought that Tenel Ka was one of the characters more royally (lol no pun intended) screwed by the time the expanded universe was tossed out. She had a job she never wanted and was stuck with (there was no one else she could trust with the consortium), her daughter had to be hidden with the Solos for safety (also thank you hapan consortium akjdfaksjdf), and her father and lover were both dead. Leaving her alone on effing Hapes.FOREVER BITTER, SORRY. :|


    v. trainee
        ( young jedi knights )
Spending her early teenage years on Yavin IV trying to keep her royal secret from her friends, Tenel Ka also manages to dodge kidnappings, outrun killer seaweed, lose an arm then refuse a replacement, and help her friends. Just like everyone’s school experiences, right?

    v. jedi knight
        ( njo: vector prime to star by star )
After leaving the academy, Tenel Ka is thrown headlong into the war with the Yuuzhan Vong due to the fact that her mother is the leader of a 63 planet consortium with an amazing fleet. Things change for her when her mother mysteriously dies (everyone knows who did it) and she's forced to take the Hapan crown, which leads to...

    v. queen mother
        ( last half of the njo to the start of legacy of the force )
Tenel Ka never wanted to be the Queen Mother of Hapes but she does what she must for her people. They come first. She has very little time alone, with very rare moments for herself between her coronation, the birth of her daughter, and when something in Jacen Solo starts to shift.

    v. ereneda
        ( legacy of the force and beyond )
The Queen Mother has settled into her role, as much as she never wanted to, and leads the Hapes Consortium through the Second Galactic Civil War while trying to save the father of her child and one of the only people she ever loved.

    v. sith
        ( alternate universe )
Caedus manages to get Tenel Ka to see the universe his way and join him. But what it has to take to get to that breaking point is Allana getting taken and possibly killed by her grandmother’s assassins. This would never happen in any galaxy, really, but sometimes you just want to write angry stuff that canon wouldn't touch. :3c

    v. modern
        ( alternate universe )
From a line of French nobles on one side and strong Celtic blood on the other, young Tenel Ka found herself sent to a private school where she met the Solo twins. She lost her arm in an accident, refuses a replacement and continues to avoid her duties as the princess certain members of her family want her to be.


              ➵ fiercely {tenel ka djo}
              ➵ violently {erida}
              ➵ formally {queen's wardobe}
              ➵ sturdily {armor}
              ➵ lavishly {regalia}
              ➵ elegantly {face}
              ➵ expertly {lightsaber}
              ➵ cleverly {allana}
              ➵ peacefully {jacen solo}
              ➵ savagely {darth caedus}
              ➵ passionately {jacen & tenel ka}
              ➵ boldly {teneniel djo}
              ➵ faithfully {prince isolder}
              ➵ slyly {trista & taryn zel}
              ➵ arrogantly {ta'a chume}
              ➵ valiantly {jaina solo}
              ➵ skillfully {zekk}
              ➵ frankly {kyp durron}
              ➵ capably {tahiri veila}
              ➵ loyally {gadell vessau}
              ➵ fearlessly {anakin solo}
              ➵ gracefully {leia organa solo}
              ➵ nonchalantly {han solo}
              ➵ wisely {luke skywalker}
              ➵ intensely {mara jade}
              ➵ independently {ben skywalker}
              ➵ regally {padme amidala}

              ➵ distantly {places}
              ➵ palatially {fountain palace}
              ➵ indestructibly {reef fortress}
              ➵ nostalgically {yavin iv}
              ➵ enchantedly {dathomir}
              ➵ deceitfully {hapes}
              ➵ purely {sight}
              ➵ harmoniously {sound}
              ➵ musingly {script}
              ➵ aesthetically {inspiration}
              ➵ helpfully {references}
              ➵ possibly {headcanon}
              ➵ playfully {memes}
              ➵ resolutely {answered}
              ➵ curiously {v. trainee}
              ➵ undauntedly {v. jedi knight}
              ➵ royally {v. ereneda}
              ➵ tragically {v. sith}
              ➵ alternately {v. tfa}
              ➵ currently {v. modern}
              ➵ cohesively {open rp/starter call}
              ➵ generally {out of character}
              ➵ respecfully {promos}
              ➵ amusedly {hehe}
              ➵ gratefully {thank you!}